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The Abandonment of Elders


Performance - performance

©Virginija Šutrikaitė

The mountains that have been left for a long time are a Japanese tale whose sermon is very simple: respect for wisdom and values, the dignity on which the survival of a democratic state depends, and the most important line that distinguishes man from other mammals. Based on the motifs of this fairy tale, a play / performance "Mountains where they are left for a long time" and a project for nursing homes are being created. It is an opportunity to feel the sensations offered by the process of fairy tale therapy and to find yourself in another dimension created by the fairy tale. The tale is followed with live music, dance, smells, live images, and the participant has the freedom to choose how and how much he wants to hear the tale being followed. Viewers find themselves in the middle of a tale action, but are not forced to perform certain actions or tasks. The viewer still has the right to remain an observer and accept the senses of the environment as a gift. But it also has the potential to become a participant in a fairy tale and contribute to the energy of creating an action.

Tai galimybė pajausti pasakų terapijos proceso siūlomus pojūčius ir atsidurti pasakos kuriamoje kitoje dimensijoje. Pasaka sekama pasitelkiant gyvą muziką, šokį, kvapus, gyvus vaizdinius, o jos dalyvis turi pasirinkimo laisvę – kaip ir kiek jis nori išgirsti sekamą pasaką. 

Žiūrovai atsiduria pasakos veiksmo viduryje, tačiau nėra verčiami atlikti tam tikrų veiksmų ar užduočių. Žiūrovas vis dar turi teisę likti stebėtoju ir priimti aplinkos pojūčius kaip dovaną. Tačiau jis taip pat turi galimybę pavirsti pasakos dalyviu ir prisidėti prie veiksmo kūrimo energijos.

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