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Cultural education project

'art exchange'

Art and creativity can help return to the core of human existence, discover a more meaningful life, realize one's identity, identity and reveal authenticity, connect with and be heard by others, look more creatively at everyday, relationship problems and find alternative solutions.

The aim of the project is to organize and carry out creative / artistic projects in areas experiencing cultural exclusion, involving socially sensitive groups in joint activities with locals and guests on a joint Culture Day. It is also an important task: to invite and provide an opportunity for representatives of various branches of art, seeking professionalism and certainty in their work, to share their knowledge and skills for the creation of human well-being.

The role of the creator-teacher, its importance and significance, is relevant not only to those who admire his talent, but also to the creator himself, who is a person of a very sensitive soul.

Self-analysis through works of art, integrated activities helps to discover and understand the temporality of situations, transform negative emotions, develops self-confidence, critical thinking, forms values.

This is how art exchanges are born, which heal and open up new possibilities for life and the depths of creativity, creating a sustainable relationship.

Kūrėjo – mokytojo vaidmuo, jo svarba ir reikšmė, yra aktuali ne tik jo talentu besigėrintiems, bet ir pačiam kuriančiajam, kuris yra itin jautrios sielos žmogus.

Savianalizė per meno kūrinius, integruotas veiklas padeda atrasti ir suvokti situacijų laikinumą, transformuoti neigiamas emocijas, suvokti gilesnę jų prasmę, ugdo pasitikėjimą savimi, kritinį mąstymą, formuoja vertybines nuostatas.

Taip gimsta meno mainai, kurie gydo ir atveria naujas gyvenimo galimybes ir kūrybos gelmes, sukuriant tvarų tarpusavio ryšį.  


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"meno mainai: Kultūros edukacija" 

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