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Pakalbėkime iš širdies

Fairy tale therapy is a creative process whose meaningful elements are fairy tale motifs.

It is a change in the pattern of behavior - it is shown how it is possible to turn deafness into hearing, invisibility into vision, stagnation into active energy.


Simple practical movements activate the body and mind,

develops dysfunctional brain and body muscles,

awakens the voice, reminds of conscious breathing

importance, opens up a fantasy that fills an empty, usually depressing, space.


Interactive reading of a fairy tale takes place through

active therapeutic measures: live movement practice method, odor therapy, touch / individual contact, music of instruments that emit strong vibrations, movement / environment visualization method, voice trigger method.

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RELEVANCE. The most common events in the nursing home leave them in a spectator position. The cultural program rarely includes

into the process, establishes a dialogue or personal connection, so the grandparents' emotions remain unanswered and their emotional state does not change at the end of the concert or activity. The basis of fairy tale therapy is close contact, the opportunity to touch another, eye contact. Employees of nursing homes also take part in the class. In this way, a closer connection is created, they have the opportunity to see each other in an unusual situation and thus get to know each other better and closer again. The border created by the posts between the nurse / employee and the grandfather is removed. The roles created by the institution disappear and the connection becomes more sensitive and stronger, which the old person desperately needs. The person being cared for no longer seems to be an obstacle, a problem, a sick body. The established relationships free up communication opportunities, it becomes easier to communicate with grandparents, and the dialogue between the nurse and the nurse facilitates the process of being together (less psychological stress at work). Employees feel more relaxed and calmer, it is easier for them to accept their work situation (elderly people are often capricious, sick, lonely - requiring attention).

PARTICIPANTS. Residents of nursing homes. Staff / Senior Day Centers.


Group of up to 25 participants.

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