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St. One


The body conceals the story of the being. A stone conceals centuries within itself.

I seek for my story in a stone. I leave myself in a stone.

I experience the existence of a stone and realize that I am able to rebuild a mountain.

In me. In you.

story – body – stone

the holy One 

– Goda Žukauskaitė

On June 20-22, 2019, the 36-hour performance st.One 33 took place for the first time in Lithuania at the MO Museum of Modern Art.


Day I 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. – 12 hours

Day II 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. – 24 hours 

Day III 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. – 33 hours 



7 p.m. – 10 p.m. – 36 hours

During the performance, from 4 to 5 p.m. the Action of Silence for the Importance and Value of Art, Culture and Science in Lithuania took place participated by a group of LMTA contemporary dance students, teachers, actors, musicians and singers.

St.One creative team: Goda Žukauskaitė, Inga Stankaitytė, SOVIJUS, Milda Simanavičiūtė, Jonas Urvakis, Aistė Jucytė-Urvakė, Andrius Stasiulis, Aistė Kalčytė, Paulius Bučius

St. One performance deals with the issues of human existence ,

the possibility of a choice between conscious and unconscious action.

It’s a meeting with yourself

in immanent and transcendental spaces.

Ability to see their points of contact.

Relationship with stone matter.

Myth. XXI a. man, a matter of values. Boundary between:

"Am I an animal / human / robot?"


Jonas Urvakis and Aistė Jucytė - Urvakė - film and photography artists creating the visual space of 'st.One'. Jonas studied cinema in London, Aistė public communication in Kaunas, got acquainted and started traveling and creating together, capturing her life and subtly looking for its reflections. Artists try to touch what is not always tangible or visible to the naked eye - ‘st.One’ is one way to achieve this.

Jonas Urvakis is currently making an art-documentary film about the creator's path - a journey to the top of the mountain.

St.One Prologue


Ice Stone Picture




ambient / ethnic / psychedelic music group from Kaunas, diving into endless labyrinths of sound, full of shadows and monumental visions.

Group members Ramūnas Personis and Mindaugas Suchockas create the synthesis of st.One's body and sound, sound philosophy, trans-being.

Authentic creations have always been and will always be about human marginal experiences.

Mindaugas Suchockas

About st.One

  •   " Let it be a promise and a prophecy ," said theater critic Vaidas Jauniškis.

  • ,, We, the audience, are wearing bright colors, a cyclist in fluorescent yellow latex has stopped to watch the performance and his red bicycle contrasts nicely with the scene. We try to keep him out of the frame of our pictures until we realize that he too is very instagram-able. The confrontation of modern versus primitive culture. " - Karen Vanherke, Educational Researcher, MO

  • Reminiscent of that gray memento mori. Recalls that our careers, efforts, sports clubs and cars are meaningless; that at some point in the civilization a pointless carousel became ingrained, which we each feed with our own blood and received a reward from which the carousel bulbs flash brighter, and we also smile . "- Zigmas Pakštaitis,




Thank you

UAB Reklamos Ryklys, 'Helnet', BECAM, MO Museum (Mindaugas, Birutė), LRT, 'Positive Diary', Dainius Putinas, Akvilė Juodkauskaitė, Tomas Terekas, Romanas Kiela, Paulius Samoška, Jurgis, Zigmas Pakštaitis, Karen Vanhercke, Migė Širiryd , Skaidra Jančaitė, Oleg Ceklu, Greta Bernotaitė, Elmyra Ragimova, Balys Ivanauskas, Iveta Raulynaitytė, Aistė Kriukelytė, Aleksandra Metalnikova, Maksim Tuchvatulin, Greta Nogobodytė, Marharyta Zychkova, Emėė Ritika, Emilė Maigytė Balžekaitė, Dovilė Zubavičiūtė, Viltė Gustytė, Reda Mikalauskaitė, John Taylor, Amelie Picard, Gideon Poirier, Sigita Juraškaitė, Simona Simaitytė, Mindaugas Malakauskas, Edith Kostelijk, to all those who contributed, helped, used and provided support.

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